At the deepest depths of oceans and seas lie some of the most terrifying and diverse creatures that man has ever encountered. Surviving at these depths is unimaginable considering that water pressure here can be as high as 8 tons per square inch.

There are thousands of these deep sea creatures yet to be classified by scientists. However, what is known is that the deep sea can be very terrifying.

Here is a list of some of the exotic deep sea animals ever discovered.

Gulper Eel

Gulper eels are lengthy creatures with massive mouths. They live 3,000 meters below the surface and can grow to a length of almost 6 feet. They have massive mouths, and enlarging jaws enable it to swallow prey at once, regardless of their size. Due to its attraction to eating large objects, its mouth and stomach usually enlarge in order to accommodate them.

Big Red Jellyfish

The big red jellyfish is found in some of the deepest parts of the sea and can grow to over 1 meter in length. As their name suggests, these creatures are red and are massive when compared to the normal jellyfish.

It has some ‘arms’ which it uses to capture its prey.

Fangtooth Fish

This fish has some of the largest teeth in the fish family coupled with a terrifying look. Its body can measure up to 15 cm long thereby making its teeth disproportionally larger than its body. It has been located as far deep as 5,000 meters below the surface. However, apart from its terrifying look and fang-like teeth, the fangtooth fish is completely harmless to humans.

Giant Isopod

You can find these creatures at depths of 2,000 meters below the surface. They look like giant woodlice, given that they can grow to lengths above 30 cm. Giant isopods are generally scavengers; however, there are times when they prey on other sea creatures. One interesting observation about them is that they can go for almost four years without feeding.

Frilled Shark

These sharks usually live thousands of meters below the surface in the deepest corners of the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. It has on occasion been termed as a living fossil due to its appearance.

The frilled shark has three pointed teeth, making it a feared predator in the deep seas.

Megamouth Shark

This is one of the rarest discoveries in the deep seas. The intriguingly named megamouth was discovered in 1976 but has rarely been seen ever since then. As well as the huge size of its mouth, it can measure up to 5.5 meters long. Given its huge size, scientists are still wondering why it is hard to get a sighting of it.


The anglerfish can be found 2,000 meters below the surface. It was named as the anglerfish due to the presence of a strange glowing protrusion on its head which serves to lure its prey. The most interesting fact about the anglerfish is its mating ritual. The male fuses with the female anglerfish while mating and dies in the process. It dissolves afterward, while still fused to the female, until the only remaining part is its gonads.

Vampire Squid

Vampire squids are actually some of the most docile creatures in the deep sea. They neither suck the blood out of their prey nor ink them. Its name is mainly derived from its bloodshot eyes and cloak-like webbing. However, its unconventional appearance can be quite terrifying.

Black Dragonfish

The black dragonfish lives 2 kms from the surface. It has razor sharp teeth and is capable of producing its own light. Interestingly, it usually starts its life at the surface of the water because its eggs are buoyant. With time, it becomes able to produce its own light and then descends to the dark parts of the deep sea where it can attract prey via one of its many light-producing photophores.

Goblin Shark

The goblin shark is another rare species with a few sightings and specimens. Its fearsome appearance and physical attributes give it leverage whenever it’s hunting for prey. It can sense prey with its prominent snout and pounce with its thin, razor-sharp teeth.

You can also check out other terrifying deep sea animals from the folks at